DATE ME, DAMMIT! LOVE NEVER ALLIES - DMD - Love and Romance 7 - Neverending [The End]

In this episode the group FINALLY get to see a bewb, stare blankly at never ending romance scenes, and scream as the author can only be GENTLE AT ALL TIMES.

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JEMJAMMER - Side Story 3 - "Dance With Me"

Hi everyone! We've had a bit of a scheduling conflict and need to take a skip week, so instead we're releasing the final Jemjammer flashback episode early. Enjoy!
As our heroes' reunion with Max grows imminent, Anna and Annie present one final flashback scene from before His Highness left.

As the Kestrel approaches Providence Bay to return Blackjammer's Cutlass, Jylliana learns some new moves, and Max changes his mind.

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JEMJAMMER - Side Story 2 - "Navigation"

As our heroes creep closer to Vodon in the present, Anna and Annie present a second flashback scene featuring Max Vulkaran and Jylliana.

While the Kestrel crew processes Max's revealed royalty on their way back from the Cutlass Heist, Jylliana has an awkward shift at the helm as the Prince of the Vodoni Commonwealth navigates her through Kofuspace.

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DATE ME, DAMMIT! LOVE NEVER ALLIES - DMD - Love and Romance 6 - There's No Nudity On the Internet

In this episode we ...finally get to--no, no, nope, we don't get to any thing scandalous, it's just a lot of gentleness and realizing things 50 times, ugh.

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