DATE ME, DAMMIT! - Roommates - Episode 10

In this episode, we finally make a choice with the prisoners dilemma, are confused again by how the game does flirting, and are in general annoyed by the other...roommates...? housemates? Y'know, whatever.

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I WILL FIGHT YOU - Poetry is Good, Actually

Our hosts, but mostly Maq, discuss the art of poetry, the general terribleness of Ezra Pound, and the fact that Poetry is Good, Actually.

Maq chose a lot of poems for today's episode; below are some links from her show notes, including some poems we didn't get around to discussing but are worth reading nonetheless.

Reading List:

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DATE ME, DAMMIT! - Roommates - Episode 8

In this episode of Date Me Dammit, Annie and Kit beg Maq desperately to please skip an event while she dies with laughter, there is basically NO gayness DESPITE there being girls writing on each other, and everyone is irrevocably disappointed.

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JEMJAMMER - Book Club Episode 5 - Body Mate, for the Discerning Gentleman

Our heroes meet for Smutty Book Club and discuss How to Walk Like a Man by Eli Easton

Content warnings: m/m, anal, pupper shifters, tube stuff, live slime, impaling, musky tangerines.

Tangerines, though.

Submission by Saturn. Thank you, Saturn!

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