Our heroes travel to Kofuspace, and there are some nice long conversations about feelings along the way.
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Our heroes travel to Kofuspace, and there are some nice long conversations about feelings along the way.
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Our heroes get ready to depart from Providence Bay and meet a new... friend?
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Our heroes fight some pirates and finally ask why the tavern is called "The Spicy Tuba."
HOUSEKEEPING NOTE: Vicki’s availability for recording sessions during the summer is tentative at best, so she’ll be absent for a number of episodes for the next little while. In this episode, the role of Ælfgifu will be played by Kit.
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Our heroes attend a fancy pirate ball and meet some mysterious new "friends."
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Our heroes attempt to track down some brunch and some mani-pedis in preparation for Space Prom.
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Our heroes have an invitation to a fancy party, but before they attend, they first need to find some appropriate attire.
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Our heroes battle a mysterious ghost of the phlogiston and finally arrive in Providence Bay.
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Our heroes are in need of a job, and head to a meeting with a prospective--and dangerous--employer.
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This episode concludes our crossover with Cool Kids Table!
To hear what happened before this, check out episode 16 of Jemjammer, “Dargaard Keep.”
Our crossover with Cool Kids Table continues, as our heroes and their new allies assault the legendary Dargaard Keep.
To hear what happened before this, listen to episode 70 of Cool Kids Table.
To hear what happens next, listen to episode 71 of Cool Kids Table!