Our hosts discuss the 1991 and 2014 Into the Woods and Annie proves the fact that changing the medium changes the act structure, and changing the act structure changes the meaning.
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Our hosts discuss the 1991 and 2014 Into the Woods and Annie proves the fact that changing the medium changes the act structure, and changing the act structure changes the meaning.
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Our hosts discuss Romero + Juliet, Gnomeo & Juliet, and Romeo and Juliet: Sealed with a Kiss and prove the fact that Romeo and Juliet isn't about what you think it's about.
(though at this point I'm pretty sure it's actually about seals)
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Our hosts discuss the 1991 Peter Pan film Hook, and Kit proves the fact that BANGARANG
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Our hosts, along with special guest Jodie Troutman, discuss the Oz books by L. Frank Baum, and Annie and Jodie prove the fact that if you like Oz, you're gay now.
Find Jodie online here, including contact info and links to her various comic and lettering projects! You can find LitBrick here, and a collection of all of Jodie's Oz comics can be found here.
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Our hosts discuss Kiss of the Vampire aka Immortally Yours, and Maq proves the fact that writer/director/producer/leads make the best/worst movies: Ladies Edition!
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Our hosts discuss the Mercedes Lackey book series Heralds of Valdemar and Kit proves that any adaptation of this series requires the Jim Henson Creature Shop.
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Our hosts, with special guest Jake Mason, discuss the 2011 Made-For-TV Movie Cyberbu//y and prove the fact that you can just... block people.
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Our hosts discuss the soap opera newspaper comic strip Mary Worth and Annie proves the fact that Wilbur Weston is the worst man in comics.
Annie recommends The Comics Curmudgeon and Mary Worth and Me. Mary Worth can be found online at King Features Syndicate's Comics Kingdom.
Show notes (in PDF form) for this episode in particular can be found here for our $5+ patrons.
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Our hosts discuss the 1985 movie Ladyhawke and Kit proves the fact that you should always hire the Alan Parsons Project to score your fantasy film.
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Our hosts discuss Labryinth and Maq proves the fact that David Bowie makes everything around him gayer.
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